Lenovo Group
Lenovo Group is mainly composed of two company groups. One's business operations focus on smart devices, including personal computers, tablets, AV/AR, smart internet-enabled devices, and smart phones. The other one is a data center with business activities that cover servers, storage, networks, software, and relevant services. In addition, Lenovo Group has established 3 divisions for areas with development potential—the Data Intelligence Group, Cloud Integration Division, and Commercial IoT Division. Lenovo Groups is currently one of the top 3 PC manufacturers in the world.
Business Info
IndustryTech Products and Equipment
Place of ResidenceChina (incl. Hong Kong)
Market Cap - End of 2022 ($M) 9,965
2021 Revenue ($M)70,555
Rank of 2021 Revenue10
2021 Profit ($M)1,878
Rank of 2021 Profit31